Show hidden files Hidden files appear. Show hidden directories Hidden directories appear. Preview delay Delay before displaying a preview in file- selectors (in 18.2th of second). Possible values range from 1 to 256. Maximize preview Maximize the preview of the pictures so that it is as big as possible. If you're not in the same resolution as the picture's one, it can try to correct the aspect ratio, but if the picture does not fill the whole screen, it can be worse. Find file fast This option is used to place the selection bar on a filename by typing its first letters. For example, if you want to find the 'PICTURE.PKM' in a directory that also contains 'PALETTE.PAL', you'll just have to type P and I. The different values of 'FFF' indicate if you want to find the name in both files and directories or just in only one of these: 0: files and directories 1: files only 2: directories only Auto set resolution Automatically set the resolution when loading a picture. You should set this value to 'yes' after disabling the video modes that are notsupported by your video card or monitor. Set resolution according to If the variable above is set to 'yes', this one tells if you want to set the resolution according to: 1: the internal 'original screen' dimensions of the picture 2: the actual dimensions of the picture Backup Create a backup file when saving.


Save screen size in GIF Save the screen dimensions in GIF files. If you want to read these files with Photoshop or Alchemy, and maybe some other programs, you must set this option to 'no'. Clear palette If you load a picture with a palette of less than 256 colors, this option defines if you want to clear the palette or to keep the colors of the previous picture that are over the number of colors of the new picture. For example, if you load a 32-color picture, the colors 32 to 255 will be set to black if this option is set to 'yes', or they will be kept unchanged if this option is set to 'no' MO6/TO8 palette gamma Set the gamma used when converting from and to Thomson MO6/TO8/TO9 pictures that embed a 4bits by component RGB 16 indexes palette. You should set the same value as in Palette setup window, with 16 RGB Scale.


Opening message Display a message at startup telling the version number of the program. Menu ratio Aspect ratio and size of the menus and the tool-bar. Possible values: 0: Do not adapt (pixels are not stretched) 1: Adapt the menus and the tool-bar according to the resolution 2: Slightly adapt the ratio of the menus and tool-bar -1:Do not adapt (like 0) -2:Stretch by x2 maximum -3:Stretch by x3 maximum -4:Stretch by x4 maximum Draw limits Draw the limits of the picture. Coordinates Coordinates: 1: Relative 2: Absolute Separate colors Separate the colors in the tool-bar by a black squaring. Safety colors When you reduce the palette or 'zap' some colors out of it, it is possible that there are not enough colors left to draw the menus. Switching the following variable on will bring back the colors of the menu if there are less than 4 colors left after 'reducing' or 'zapping'. Grid XOR color This determines the color value for the grid. Each pixel of the grid will be displayed by XOR-ing the original color with the value of this setting. For example, if you always paint 16-color images, you can set it to 16 so the color of the grid are 16 for 0, 17 for 1, etc. Then you can set colors 16-31 as lighter/darker variants of your original palette, resulting in a pretty grid ! Sync views When this mode is active, scrolling the view (and the magnifier view) affects both the main image and the spare page - as long as they have the same dimensions.


Gauges scrolling speed Left Speed of the scroll-bars (in VBLs waited) while clicking with the left or right button of the mouse. Values can be between 1 and 255. The bigger values, the slower. Gauges scrolling speed Right Speed of the scroll-bars (in VBLs waited) while clicking with the left or right button of the mouse. Values can be between 1 and 255. The bigger values, the slower. Merge movement This setting allows you merge successive mouse movements into a single mouse movement. You should only use it if you are using a mouse which reports at 200Hz or more, and you experience lag when using discontinuous hand-drawing with large brushes (this tool tries to paste the brush and update the screen on each new mouse position) In this case, set this to 2 or more, to ignore some intermediate mouse reports when a more recent one is present. Note that with a value superior to 1, you lose precision with continuous hand-drawing, as intermediate mouse positions are skipped. Motion debounce For certain backends (notably SDL2), mouse motion events are reported in a way that can cause jerky movement and lag, and can't be remedied by increasing Merge movement. Set this debounce value to the interval, in ms, at which we'll process mouse motion events. (A reasonable value to start with is 16, though if you have a fast system, you can set this to 0 to process all mouse motion.) Double click speed This is the time (in milliseconds) between two clicks for Grafx2 to recognize a double-click. Double-click is used mostly in the palette area of the menu: double-click a color to open the palette. Double key speed When you press two digit keys in rapid succession (ex: 3 8), Grafx2 sets transparency to 38% (instead of 30% then 80%). This setting allows you to set the maximum delay between two keypresses for GrafX2 to recognize them as a combo. Swap buttons This setting determines which key inverts the mouse buttons when it's held : A left click is then interpreted as a right-click. It's especially useful for one-button controllers, such as touchscreens and tablets. Virtual keyboard This setting activates a graphical 'virtual keyboard' whenever you have to type text in a menu. It's designed for devices that don't provide a physical keyboard, such as tablet PCs and portable consoles. The default setting 'auto' means ON for a portable console and OFF for all others.


Adjust brush pick Adjust the brush grabbing in 'grid' mode. Undo pages Number of pages stored in memory for 'undoing'. Values are between 1 and 99. Vertices per polygon Maximum number of vertices used in filled polygons and polyforms, and lasso. Possible values range from 2 to 16384. Fast zoom Automatically zoom into the pointed area when you press the short-key of the Magnifier button while being above the picture. Clear with stencil Take the Stencil into account when clearing the image. Auto discontinuous Directly set the discontinuous freehand drawing mode after brush grabbing. Auto nb colors used Automatically count the number of different colors used when opening the palette editor window. (Set it to 'no' if you have a slow computer or if you edit huge pictures) Right click colorpick This enables a mode where the right mouse buttons acts as a color picker until it's released, and selects Foreground color. This mode prevents you from painting with Background color. This option is ignored when the Shade, Quick-shade, or Tiling mode is used. Multi shortcuts When this setting is disabled, and you create a shortcut with a key that is already associated to another shortcut, Grafx2 will unset the latter. If you enable this mode, Grafx2 will not make such check, so you can design shortcuts that trigger several actions at once.