Settings / Skins
Displays a menu where you can configure some
miscellaneous elements of the program.
Detailed description of each setting is
available when this screen is open (Use the
F1 key.
This window allow you to change the look and
feel of the program.
- Font: determines whether you want to use
GrafX2 with a classical font, or another one
a bit funnier.
- Cursor: Allows you to choose the graphic
mouse cursor: Solid and Thin are solid black
and white cursors defined by the skin file,
Transparent is a 1-pixel wide XOR cross.
- Graphic file: you can change the whole
interface by selecting where the sprites for
all buttons are. Look at the files in the
"skin" directory if you want to create your
own. There are two skins available, the
default for 2.1 is called modern. Classic is
for nostalgics who wish to remember the old
days of Sunset Design. If you create a good
skin, feel free to share it with us! We may
include it in a future release...
- Separate colors: Draws a squaring around
the colors of the tool-bar.
- Show/Hide picture limits: Indicates if the
picture boundaries must be displayed when
you are in a resolution bigger than the