Floodfill / Replace col. LEFT CLICK (Key:'F') Selects the filler as the active drawing tool. The filler, as any drawing tool, will be affected by all the effects! Note that only the visible part of the picture will be filled (as every other drawing tools, the floodfill only alters the visible part of the picture; this avoids unwanted effects that wouldn't be controlled by the user). RIGHT CLICK (Key:Shift+'F') Selects the color replacement as the active drawing tool. Any rule has its exceptions and this one doesn't depart from that. Indeed, this tool is the only one to be affected by no effect (except Stencil) and to be able to modify non visible parts of the picture. The purpose of this tool being to replace all occurrences of a color in the picture by another, it would have been a shame to limit modifications only to the visible part of the picture.