Lines / Toggle
Selects the current line-drawing mode as the
active drawing tool. There are 3
line-drawing modes:
* Classical lines: when first clicking on
the picture, you'll define the start of the
line. Maintain your click to choose the end
of the line and release the mouse button to
set it.
If you hold SHIFT when drawing, the line
will be constrained to horizonal, vertical
or diagonal.
* Knotted lines: works like classical lines,
but the end of your line will automatically
become the start of the next one. When you
want to stop chaining lines, use the
opposite mouse button. "The opposite button"
means that if you started to draw lignes
with the left button (Fore-color), you'll
have to stop the procedure with the right
button; and conversely.
* Concentric lines: when first clicking on
the picture, you'll define center of the
lines. In fact, the center is defined by the
the position of the mouse when you release
the mouse button. Then you can draw lines
from the center to the current mouse
position by clicking. To stop drawing
concentric lines, use the opposite mouse
button. This drawing tool allows you to
change the fore and back colors when in use.
Toggles the different line-drawing modes and
activates, at the same time, the
line-drawing tool.